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Methods and cost of delivery

Portugal and Spain

Purchases made at our store will be sent to you via post or courier. The delivery costs are:

Shipping in Portugal

3,95 euro
Shipping to Spain
4,95 euro
Purchases above 70 euro

It means that for the delivery in Portugal you will always pay 3,95 euro and for delivery in Spain you will always pay 4,95 euro – no matter how many products you order. There is just one exception: if the value of the products you ordered exceed the amount of 70 euros, your delivery is FREE – let us pay it! :)
Our advice?
If you want to save, you can also do it by finding someone to make a joint order. If your combined purchases exceed the amount of 70 euros we pay for the delivery. If your combined order is less than 70 euros, you both still save, by dividing the cost of 3,95 or 4,95 euros for the common package – this means we will send one package (containing all purchased products) to one address.

Other countries (EU and world)

Delivery in other countries needs to be individually agreed between us and the customer, because it always requires verifying the price. If you need delivery abroad please contact us on before making the order – we will find a solution for you.