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Payment methods and bank account details

For purchases made in our online store you can pay by bank transfer to the account given below.

Data for transfer:

Number of the account (NIB): 0065 0923 0042 7600 0024 7
Name: Anita Lubaszko
Name of the bank: BancoBest (Lisboa)
International number (IBAN): PT50 0065 0923 0042 7600 0024 7
Currency: EUR

If you make payment by bank transfer, verify that the holder's name is the same as the name specified in the order. If you make the transfer from an account in which the holder is different, please send an email to informing us of this. In the description of transfer you can includethe number of the order (you will find it in the confirmation e-mail).

After registration of the payment on our account we will prepare your package and after sending we will e-mail you the individual number of the package. This way you will be able to check what is happening with your delivery. If you have any questions, please contact us.