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We make every effort to ensure that our products arrive to you in perfect condition and working very long time. Therefore, we check each wire before sending and all the cotton balls we pack manually.

How to take care of the cable, so it will be serving you for many years?
First of all, pay attention to the bulbs. If you will notice that one of them does not light immediately unplug the cable from the socket and replace the blown bulb. For each wire we add spare bulbs - you will find them right next to the plug. If you need more spare bulbs you can be order them HERE. Be sure to select bulbs suitable for your type of cable! Using the wrong light bulbs (from other cables with different power) can permanently damage the cable!

Why changing of the light bulb is so important?
The power of each wire is devided into a precise number of light bulbs. If one of the bulbs stops working increased, incorrect amout of power goes to other bulbs. This can cause rapid deterioration of the other bulbs, or even the entire wire!

And what if all the cable stopped working?
Disconnect the cable from the socket and check if all the light bulbs are properly embedded in the frames. It may happen that during installation or transportation one of the bulbs will gently eject from the cradle – in which case the circuit conductor current is not exhaustive and wire does not light.
If you have checked all the bulbs and yet the cable is still not lighting – calmly! You have our guarantee that in normal indoor use your cable will run for a year and we assume the consequences of this commitment! If the cable stopped working within two years from date of purchase, return it to us and we immediately will send you a new one. Send the wire at the following address: Luminart, Rua da Gloria 26, 4950-463 Monção, Portugal

Please put into the package: number of the order, copy of the receipt, return address (to which we can send a new cable) and e-mail address or telephone number. We will check what happened with your cable, we will contact you or simply send a new cord. Returns are governed by these TERMS & CONDITIONS.

The cable is functioning properly, but one of the cotton balls is pressed in. What should I do?
It's easy! Use a stick to straighten the ball from the inside. If any of the threads "stands out" – just cut it.