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About us

Portugal, July 2012.

She did the craziest thing in her life – and, at the same time, the most frightening.

Hot air hit her face when she rolled out her big, red suitcase on the platform of the metro station at the Porto airport. It was in that moment that she felt how irreversible it was, what she did. Far away, in the cold North, she left everything: her homeland, her dream job, a beloved home and what is the dearest for her – her Family and Friends. However, from the first moments here she knew that she loves this place - the sun burning through most of the year, the ocean near at hand, the smell of orange trees, sincere and warm people and of course Him.

She was standing on the platform, listening to the hushed conversations and stories recounted in a hurry… It was as if people would like to include in those five minutes months of separation. She felt this incredible energy that she was finding only here - in the people of southern Europe. The train arrived. She turned her face towards the sun and took the first step into the unknown.

Day after day she started to build her world anew. Homesickness made her constantly looking for a piece of her own place – a little substitute of the warm home that she left. One day she bought on the internet colorful, glowing balls. It was a sunny morning when she got and unpacked the box. She immediately made her first composition – it looked like an amazing sculpture, but the real delight came in the evening, when she turned on the balls…
'Wow! They are beautiful!' – she thought.

It was that magic evening, when she was sitting wrapped in a blanket, with a cup of hot tea in hand, looking at the luminous garland, that in her head was born the dream about a store with shining, colorful balls that will be filling with light and joy a thousands of homes. And after all dreams are there to meet them!

And this is how Luminart was created – from longing for home, from the love of light and colors.